There is nothing more frustrating than thinking you’re doing everything right with your health and fitness, but can’t seem to get the results you want. The major problem for most people is the lack of quality information regarding diet and exercise. It’s important to keep in mind that if you want lasting results, you have to be willing to put some effort into finding the right combination of the two. I try my best to lead you in the right direction, but unfortunately we are all bombarded with BAD misleading information that stunts your progress! Here are 3 reasons why you may not be getting the results you want:
Crash diets are usually thought of as a good way to lose a bunch of weight really quickly in a short period of time. Some use this method to get ready for a specific event, while others use it quite often as a way to control their weight.
The Problem: One of the MAJOR flaws with this method of losing weight that most people don’t realize is that you can’t lose several pounds of fat in a few days or couple of weeks. It takes a caloric deficit of 3,500 to lose 1 pound of fat in a span of 7 days. Therefore, it is IMPOSSIBLE to lose more than about 2 pounds of fat per week.
When you crash diet, the weight you see go down is mostly water weight. Have you ever wondered why some diets, like juicing, lead to such quick weight loss? It’s because you’re losing water weight—NOT FAT!
Glycogen stores, which are a source of energy that binds water, are depleted faster than the fat cells releasing the water. But as soon as you start eating normally again, your body will replenish the glycogen, store more water and gain the weight back immediately. Is this an effective method for the short term weigh loss? Maybe.
The side effect: What many don’t realize is the drastic effect it can have on the body’s metabolism in the long run. Having a properly functioning metabolism is essential in losing and maintaining a healthy weight. The sudden change in diet which usually consists of drastically lowering calories, can actually slow down your metabolism. In addition, the extreme calorie restriction can cause muscle breakdown. Why is this bad? Because having less muscle tissue lowers your metabolic rate, which is the amount of calories you burn at rest, and which means you will hold on to MORE BODY FAT. When your body doesn’t have the proper fuel from food to make energy, you inevitably burn muscle, which results in even more weight gain each time you stop the crash. So the long term effects are definitely NOT WORTH the quick results.
Some may ask, “what’s the difference?” Whereas crash dieting is typically short term and doesn’t adhere to a diet plan per se, fad diets usually promise rapid weight loss and/or other health advantages with a particular diet structure, like avoiding carbs or fruit, for example. They’re often advertised as requiring little effort, producing a quick fix with a philosophy that should technically be sustainable forever.
The problem: Most fad diets require avoiding certain food groups, which in turn may cause nutritional deficiencies. Any diet that requires you to avoid whole, naturally produced foods are inevitably going to cause you to lack certain nutrients.
The side effect: Similar to when you crash diet, if your body is not receiving the nutrients it needs to function properly, essential weight loss systems, such as metabolism, are compromised resulting in MORE WEIGHT GAIN in the long run. This is why I’m sure you or someone you know experienced losing weight with Keto or Atkins initially, but eventually gained all the weight back or EVEN MORE.
Although cardio is essential to any well-rounded fitness program, it should not be your sole means for weight loss. Read my 3 Myths About Losing Weight that are WRONG blog. The benefits of cardio are: it helps burn calories and fat, and directly benefits overall heart health, like reducing blood pressure, cholesterol and helps regulate blood sugar.
The problem: Your body gets used the type of energy exertion needed for cardio quickly and compensates by using less and less energy each time you reproduce that same cardio activity. This means that the energy used, i.e. calorie’s burned, the first few times you engaged in that activity will decrease each time you engage in it as your body adjusts to it. For example, the first few times you run for 30 minutes you may lose 400 calories. Then once your body gets used to that 30 minute run, you begin burning less calories each run, because once your body gets used to the run it needs less energy to repeat that activity. This is why you or someone you know lost a bunch of weight with the initial increase of cardio, but eventually the weight loss “plateaued.”
The side effect: Cardio alone does not build muscle tissue. And as I mentioned above, healthy muscle tissue is needed in order to burn more calories at rest and have LOW BODY FAT. If you’re not building muscle in conjunction with a cardio routine, you’re inevitably burning through muscle, which in turn makes you hold on to MORE BODY FAT.
Although my blog topics can be very beneficial to your overall health, they are not intended for the purpose of providing medical advice. All content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of published information on or through my website, blog, e-mails, programs and services. However, the information may inadvertently contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. Every effort has been made to present you with the most accurate, up-to-date information, but because the nature of diet, fitness and health research is constantly evolving, we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of our content.
Are you confused by all the conflicting diet and fitness information? Do you feel overwhelmed by what you should be doing to have optimal health? Then you’ve come to the right place!
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